“Love is a virus. One I think we should spread.” – Tom Proctor

On August 29, 2013, The Only Love Project’s Bill Murphy (BM) spent an enjoyable hour via Skype with Hollywood actor, stunt performer, director, and producer Tom Proctor (TM). What follows is the transcript of our conversation. Enjoy!

BM: Briefly tell us your background. What would you like others to know about you?

Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 1.02.38 PMTP: Well, my background is I grew up a farm boy, raised on the family farm. And it was one of those, like, five farms together to make one little farm, so to speak. And so it was kind of funny, you know. I didn’t know until after I had moved away from home and until I was about 34 years old that we were poor when we were kids. I always thought we were doing great, because all our family, we’d run cattle up on the range, and we each owned like five acres that we’d come down to the river a lot, you know, there’s big-ass trout in the river right next to your house, so what was missing? [laughs] I didn’t know until I got older that we were basically poverty level. I said, “Really? Wow, I didn’t know that.”

BM: What effect did your childhood have on you?

TP: It really made the core of who I am. And at the end of the day, at the end of anybody’s day, I think the core of who you are is really all you’ve got. You got the world that has its expectations – especially when you’re in the film industry – of what you are and who you should be. And then you’ve got what makes you what you are. I’ve been a very competitive person; I’ve competed in motorcycle skill trials, drag bike races, I’ve been a competitive fighter, everything else. And I always felt like I won, because of where I came from. Because that was my family, and that was the way it was. And my mom was one that always managed to promote the positive. And my dad’s my biggest hero. Everybody thinks in Hollywood we’re all supposed to have some sad, abusive childhood. And I just really don’t. [laughs]

BM: [laughs] What’s a nice guy like you doing in a place like Hollywood? Continue reading

Divisions…and Opportunities

The elections in America opened up a whole world of opportunities to be of service to others.

Here’s what I mean:

Even thought President Obama won, the margin separating he and Mitt Romney was only about 3 million votes, or an overall percentage of (roughly) 50% to 48%.

That means our nation is sharply, deeply, perhaps irrevocably, divided. For every person who rejoices in President Obama’s win, there is one who mourns Mitt Romney’s loss.

That means the real work of being Bodhisattvas has just begun. We have a lot of healing, loving, and compassionate outreach to do — on both sides.

Now’s the perfect time to approach all of life with this attitude, “How may I help you?”

Only love. It may not be the only way. But it’s a terrifically uplifting, energizing way that heals and unites rather than divides.

To that end, I have challenged friends to put aside politics from now on. That means:

    Turn off the talk-radio hosts while driving in the car

    Turn off the TV at night (no news – from any network!)

    Quit reading blogs and web sites of a political nature

    Quit associating with friends (on Facebook or in real life) who are entrenched in hard-left or hard-right ideologies

    Reach out to those on “the other side” of the aisle

Now’s the time. This is the place. Either love will see us through…or hate will kill us all.

It begins with me. And I vow to embrace love.

How about you?


Tomorrow — Tuesday, November 6, 2012 — Americans go to the polls to choose a President, to re-elect Barack Obama, or to elect Mitt Romney.

I have a feeling that no matter who wins…

…The media will gin up (or will continue to gin up) controversy and division.

…Facebook and Twitter will overflow with anger — or haughty smugness.

…Friends and family members will rejoice — or feel marginalized and defeated.

…Political groups will demonstrate — perhaps even resorting to violence.

In other words, now’s the ideal time to keep only-love mind.

If the candidate for whom you voted wins, remember to love those who voted against him. Don’t lord it over them. Don’t add to the divisions. Approach them with open arms and ask them to work with you to help make America a better place. If the ideologies are too great, and unity can’t be achieved, then lead with humility, compassion, peace, and grace.

If the candidate for whom you voted loses, remember to love those who voted for the other guy. Don’t hold it against them. Don’t add to the divisions. Approach them with open arms and request to work with them to help make America a better place. If the ideologies are too great, and unity can’t be achieved, then follow with humility, compassion, peace, and grace.

Either way, love will see us through — come what may.