
Tomorrow — Tuesday, November 6, 2012 — Americans go to the polls to choose a President, to re-elect Barack Obama, or to elect Mitt Romney.

I have a feeling that no matter who wins…

…The media will gin up (or will continue to gin up) controversy and division.

…Facebook and Twitter will overflow with anger — or haughty smugness.

…Friends and family members will rejoice — or feel marginalized and defeated.

…Political groups will demonstrate — perhaps even resorting to violence.

In other words, now’s the ideal time to keep only-love mind.

If the candidate for whom you voted wins, remember to love those who voted against him. Don’t lord it over them. Don’t add to the divisions. Approach them with open arms and ask them to work with you to help make America a better place. If the ideologies are too great, and unity can’t be achieved, then lead with humility, compassion, peace, and grace.

If the candidate for whom you voted loses, remember to love those who voted for the other guy. Don’t hold it against them. Don’t add to the divisions. Approach them with open arms and request to work with them to help make America a better place. If the ideologies are too great, and unity can’t be achieved, then follow with humility, compassion, peace, and grace.

Either way, love will see us through — come what may.